How to Possess a Effective Liposuction Recovery Time

By Chase Hicks

If you are deciding to go through liposuction, you need to know that the procedure can last anywhere from 1-5 hours. The procedure uses local anesthetics which means you will be permitted to go home following the process. However, be sure you have someone with you to drive you home because you won't be able to. You are going to be in bed and resting for several days so be sure you have someone who can stay with you or check up on you as well to avoid injuries and damage. To help make your recovery time more successful and as short as you possibly can here are some helpful suggestions.

To begin with, you'll experience pain, swollen areas, and some tenderness every once in awhile. Some people describe it to be similar to large bruising. There are some patients that have bruising which is normal during the recover period. Normally, you will observe your skin is going to be red, as well as for larger areas, you'll be given pain meds to help reduce any discomfort you may have afterwards.

The tumescent method usually will lead to drainage during the liposuction recovery time. Areas treated will be swollen so it may be difficult to see the difference in the shape for several days. Waiting until the swelling decreases is your best bet. You might experience these effects for a few weeks.

Tips for Reducing Swelling

There are a few different side effects you can experience, but each individual is different. Swelling though happens to be the most common one. Because the swelling affects areas that were treated along with the ability to begin to see the outcome of the final results, here are tips to help with the swelling.

- Drink plenty of water during your recovery

- Eat foods low in salt

- Get adequate amounts of rest

- Don't rush returning to everyday life

- Gently massage areas treated to help with circulation

- Avoid taking any medications that could interfere with balance of fluids

- Tell your doctor about medications you are taking


These type of garments are worn during the normal weight loss surgery recovery to help reduce the quantity of swelling. Since these are worn on impacted areas, swelling could be reduced significantly letting you see your results quicker. They also assist with reducing discomfort you are feeling. You'll discover that wearing these compressions as the doctor recommends will be reducing the skin from being too loose in addition to speeding up your recovery.

You may have drainage tubes in as well so make sure to follow your doctor's orders about taking care of them as well. Using these garments and tubes reduces swelling, prevent infection, and can also reduce time to recover.

Time Needed for Healing

Again, you'll want to get adequate amounts of rest for the next two weeks. This is going to rely on the type of work you had done though. In most cases, you are going to be able to get back to work and everyday life in about a week or so following the procedure but for larger areas, you will need to rest several extra days. Less extensive procedures heal in a matter of a few days letting you get back to life faster. Because swelling can last for a few weeks, don't get discouraged if you don't notice anything right away. Full results could be enjoyed in a few months since the body's tissue needs to adjust to your new shape.

When it comes to normal liposuction recovery time you will have to be patient. Liposuction needs time to work to heal from also it can be the start of a journey to a new and improved you. Also, to help obtain maximum results you want to make sure you eat a well-balanced diet. Opt for incorporating exercise into your routine to assist maintain the results of your procedure. Simply because fat cells are removed, they're not going to grow back, however this procedure won't stop you from gaining weight. How you care for your body during the liposuction recovery time will affect the results and the time spent resting.

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